We have been busy!

Written by 3D Safety | Oct 9, 2020 9:15:55 AM

 3DSafety has been working on several initiatives internally and externally.

We have implemented some changes to make it easier for you to engage with us.

Along with some of our key clients, we have worked on a number of initiatives to drive changes to risk management and deliver safer and more productive workplaces.

Some of the initiatives include:

- development of a temperature detection solution which integrates into our site access solution;

- implementation of a COVID-19 test tracker;

- using new IoT technology to track worker footprints for contact tracing;

- improved plant utilisation data capture and reporting;

- enhanced reports and API integrations to deliver a more seamless solution into your existing ecosystems.

We are looking forward to seeing what 2021 brings us as the government invests into the economy and encourages us to return to workplaces.